01\/01\/2025 - Invitation: ASCENSION PANEL, Jan 9 \u2728 LIVE<\/a><\/div>
27\/10\/2024 - MAGIC AND POWER - The Venus-Tibet-Connection. An article by Dr. Raymond Keller<\/a><\/div>
30\/08\/2024 - Venus Rising in India: "My Spiritual Mentor from Planet Venus" \u2600\ufe0fPodcast w\/Akanksshaa & Anja<\/a><\/div>
20\/08\/2024 - Phaistos Retreat 2025 First Announcement - Gnothi Seauton \u201cKnow Thyself.\u201d<\/a><\/div>
10\/08\/2024 - Breaking out of Love and Relationshop Templates \ud83d\udd25 Pradnya Pandit<\/a><\/div>
27\/07\/2024 - Premiering today \ud83d\udef8 The Opening of the Ultimate UFO-Disclosure Conference in Germany<\/a><\/div>
23\/05\/2024 - DISCLOSURE GERMANY STLYE \ud83d\udef8 Dr. Raymond Keller & the UFO\/UAP-Conference Large City Hall \ud83d\udc7d<\/a><\/div>